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The Office

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky" -Michael Scott. The Office is a nine season series sitcom with glorious quotes from main characters such as Michael Scott, Dwight Schrute, Jim Halpert and Pam Beasley. Each episode makes you laugh and creates an almost personal connection to the characters.

When I watched The Office for the first time I never really understood any of the jokes and how people thought it was funny. As I finished the series a second I noticed more of the hilarious quotes and the little things you don't catch the first time. The series is great because you watch how each character creates strong bonds with each of their co-workers.

The dynamic... enemy duo? Dwight Schrute and Jim Halpert were some of the funniest characters on The Office. They always played pranks on each which spiced up the episodes and made me laugh. Some of Jim's funniest pranks on Dwight were putting Dwights stuff in Jello, using five-hundred feet of red wire ran from Dwights computer all the way outside and up a telephone pole, and testing Pavlov's theory on him. I thought it was hilarious how Jim tested Pavlov's theory on Dwight by giving him an Altoid every time his computer made a noise. After Jim stopped giving Dwight Altoids after each noise Dwight would feel an overwhelming sensation of bad breath. Jim also dressed up and acted like Dwight for a day. This altercation between the two creates one of The Office's most famous quotes, "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica."

Michael Scott, the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin, is always causing a disturbance during the work day. I think that one of his funniest quotes is definitely "If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Ladin and Toby... I would shoot Toby twice." He always has a crude statement to say and makes the show a lot more enjoyable. I think that he is unquestionably the funniest character in The Office.

The Office also has many episodes where it's on holidays! For Halloween all the characters dress up in their costumes. One famous costume was Jim's: Three Hole Punch Jim. Jim dressed up in his usual work attire but had three big black dots on his shirt, therefore looking like three hole punches! Other holiday episodes are on Christmas. The Office throws a party and some workers have a little too much to drink and I got a good laugh out of it.

All in all I think that The Office was an astounding series and I will definitely watch it again just to pass the time. I think that people who enjoy watching tv shows that have an almost reality setting but incorporates lots of comedy would really enjoy The Office. The Office received an 8.8/10 from IMDb. My rating for The Office would be a 20/10. The show includes basically everything I enjoy in tv: crude humor, memorable quotes, pranks and great characters. The Office is such a perfect show and should be watched by everyone!

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