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The Ring

A VHS tape that's cursed? That sounds boring! But the twist is it kills you a week after you watch it. Now that's scary.

The Ring is a horror movie about a young girl who falls down a well and dies. There is a cursed VHS tape that she possesses and anyone who watches it dies seven days later. The movie starts off with two teenage girls joking around about the tape. One girl said she watched the tape seven days ago and right after she watched it received a strange phone call that consisted of the words "seven days..." Strange things start to happen in the house as the one girl is starting to have flashbacks to the tape. She ends up wandering upstairs into a room that looks to have steady stream of water trickling out from under the door. She opens the door and BOOM a jump scare happens.

The movie then moves on from the teenagers to a single-mother and her son. The son is mourning the death of her cousin (one of the teenagers from the beginning). The mom (Rachel) finds out that she had watched a scary VHS tape and starts to investigate what happened. She ends up at the cabin that the teen watched the VHS tape at with her friends. After watching the tape, she receives the same phone call the teen had. She panics and leaves the cabin with the tape. She goes to her apartment and shows her ex- boyfriend (Noah) the tape and he thinks it's a joke.

The movie goes on with Rachel and Noah trying to figure out what happened to the teens in the cabin. They examine every detail in the tape and find out where the whole tape was shot. They visit the house and uncover the well and the father of the little girl. He explains his side of the story of what happened to her and Rachel doesn't believe him. She plans on entering his house again that night to uncover more clues. She sneaks in again and she attacks her; he then goes into the bathroom and kills himself by electrocution.

As the movie gets closer to its end, Rachel and Noah go back to the cabin the teens watched the video in. They end up finding the well the little girl died in. Rachel falls in and has a vision of how the girl died. She ends up getting out and goes home with Noah. The next day, Day 7, Noah's tv shows the well that the girl died in. The girl crawls out of the well and walks toward the screen where she then crawls out of the tv into Noah's apartment. She then looks at him in the eye and that kills him. Rachel tries to save Noah in time but she's too late. She figures out the only way to not be killed it to show other people the tape. She sends copies out to people and the movie ends.

All in all this movie was pretty boring. It was very slow and didn't have lots of jump scares. There were lots of eerie sounds and scenes but that's the best part about the movie. I would give The Ring a 6/10 just because I feel like it has more potential. They could've made so many better scary scenes in my opinion. I think people should watch The Ring just to experience how weird some scenes get.

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